Assam Chief Minister (CM) Himanta Biswa Sarma on April 2 reportedly received a threat in the form of an audio message from the banned Khalistani outfit Sikhs for Justice (SFJ). In the audio clip, the chief of SFJ, Gurpatwan Singh Pannun threatened the CM “on various counts relating to the Sikh community in Assam”. Pannun said, "This message is for Assam CM Himanta Sarma. Your government is harassing and torturing pro-Khalistan Sikhs in Assam. And also torturing those who are in jail. Listen carefully CM Sarma, the fight is between pro-Khalistan Sikhs and Indian regime. Sarma you do not pray fall to this violence. We are seeking liberation of Punjab from Indian occupation through a peaceful democratic process of Khalistan referendum. Sarma, if your government is going to torture and harass Sikhs, you will be held accountable." It should be noted that after the arrest of eight individuals associated with Waris Punjab De (WPD), led by Amritpal Singh, they were transferred to the Dibrugarh central jail in upper Assam.