The Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) chief, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, released a new video in which he threatened Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) staff and expressed his anger over India's moon mission (Chandrayaan-3), referring to it as a ‘blood’ mission. In the latest video, he stated, “In Modi's India, this isn't merely a moon mission; it's a 'blood' mission. Instead of fuel, you've utilized the blood of our Sikhs and the people of Punjab. The attempt to conceal the Sikh genocide under the guise of a soft moon landing won't succeed. Modi's India, SFJ intends to unveil your actions. ISRO, you are within the sights of pro-Khalistani Sikhs. You are marked as a target. In Modi's India, you are ruthlessly exploiting the Sikh community, both economically and physically, resulting in genocide. SFJ will respond, and your celebrations will be short-lived. ISRO, you are the prime target and under the radar of pro-Khalistani Sikhs.”