The pro-Khalistan outfit Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) on July 30, 2021, issued a threat that Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister (CM) Jai Ram Thakur will not be allowed to hoist the national flag on the occasion of Independence Day on August 15. The threat was made through a recorded phone call to a majority of Shimla-based journalists, and the caller identified himself as the general counsel for SFJ, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun. In the audio message the person said, “Himachal Pradesh was part of Punjab and we are seeking a referendum in there. We will liberate Punjab, and make sure that we take over Himachal which was part of Punjab". He then, sought the support of pro-Khalistan Sikhs, and the farmers and said, "We will not allow Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur to hoist Indian Tricolour."