Khalistani terrorist Gurpawant Singh Pannun, chief of the banned Sikhs For Justice (SFJ), released a new video on April 8. In it, he threatened Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Minister of Defence Rajnath Singh, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, and former RAW chief Samant Goel, vowing to challenge them 'right in their own backyard.' The video features excerpts from Rajnath Singh's remarks on government action against terrorism and footage of PM Modi's strong statements on India's capability to retaliate against enemies. Pannun also labelled the upcoming Lok Sabha election in 2024 as an opportunity to 'shame' PM Modi. Furthermore, he pledged to continue campaigning for the Khalistan referendum and urged the United States, Canada, and Pakistan to adopt an equal punishment approach, citing 'Lex Talionis' (law of retaliation).