Through pre-recorded calls to some Supreme Court (SC) lawyers, the pro-Khalistani group claimed the responsibility for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s security breach at Punjab and warned of dire consequences should the apex court take up the case. The call was received some of the lawyers in the morning, at around 10.40 am, the same time when the court was hearing a public interest litigation on the matter, and decided to set up a committee to look into the breach. The the Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association (SCAORA) in its complaint said, “Several members of SCAORA received an anonymous, automated pre-recorded call from number +447418365564, once at approximately 10.40 am and another call at 12.36 pm on January 10 fastening responsibility for Prime Minister Modi’s security breach during his visit to Punjab on January 5 on Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) from US, wherein it was stated that SFJ is responsible for blocking PM Modi’s cavalcade at Hussainwala flyover in Punjab.” The letter went on to state that “the caller further warned the Supreme Court judges to refrain from hearing the PIL filed by NGO Lawyers Voice seeking probe into the security breach on the ground that the SC has not been able to punish the culprits of the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.”